Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Journey Begins

Something I have been neglecting these past few days has been my routine of writing down my gratitude’s each and every single day. Really writing down all the wonderful and irreplaceable moments in each of my days and telling the universe that I am truly grateful for what I have. And over these past couple of days, you know what? I haven’t been writing them down. I have instantly noticed the difference in myself, in my mindset, I decided to rewind back to the beginning of my journey to wellness. Because since starting in April (the 17th to be exact) SO MUCH HAS CHANGED ABOUT ME! In so many beautiful and unexpected ways.

I was pretty intrigued when an old friend of mine the gorgeous and inspirational, intelligent and did I mention HOT! Anna Ogilvie the woman of sent me an invite to an event called “shower on the Inside” – a nutritional cleansing program she had started using and loving. She told me all the benefits she had seen in her first 30 days on the products. 

I literally couldn’t believe my ears this is exactly what I had been looking for! I was 96.9KG the heaviest weight of my life and depressed as HELL. I was exercising 5 days a week, 3 at least of those were PT, I Couldn’t stand my reflection in the mirror especially getting in the shower (I could still move past quickly!), I was feeling Un-sexy when it came to Sexy-Time and worst of all feeling insecure in my relationship with Phil – it wasn’t too fun living with me I’m sure!

After a lovely catch up meal in a little Freo Café with Anna, I went to my first ever Wellness Wednesday, Seriously… I was blown away! By the information and knowledge I was hearing, The warm and welcoming atmosphere that surrounded me, and the buzz of a room full of like minded young (and pretty sexy) bunch people all with the same vision and goal. It was EVERYTHING I needed all in one. I was lucky enough to start at the same time as the gorgeous Laura Howe, her facebook page: Eat Clean Be happy, 

who was starting the program at the same time as me, and we just clicked! Like instant best friends, both on the same journey, liked all the same shit – you couldn’t imagine how much “shutups” and “get the fuck outta here’s” we have constantly. This girl is like Ying to my Yang and how incredible to partner up with a soul like this at the beginning of amazing journeys? Perfect.
I set my goal for 8-10kg in my first 30 days, I weighed in, took my measurements, pics and went for it. I exercised and I stuck to it to the tee. And in those 30 days I lost 8.4kg and 69cm from across my body. IN 30 DAYS! I was FUCKING STOKED! The best bit was it really wasn’t just the weight loss…. So much had shifted (and I don’t mean my arse)… I literally felt lighter…. (Get it…hehe) BUT SERIOUSLY GIRLS AND BOYS! I felt the best I have ever felt in my WHOLE LIFE! I was waking up BEFORE the alarm, not like the swearing growling bear I had been – according to Phil, I was bouncing out of bed, ready to go! I was more focused, determined and passionate about every aspect of my life and my relationships, these two women I mentioned above surrounded me, but 10 MORE just like them AT least! In my incredible team, all striving to become physically and financially free ASAP!

Which has all lead me to viewing my life and my time that I spend very differently.
I do more things that I truly LOVE
I am remembering to be Grateful for all the good in my life
Feeling healthier and motivated to achieve my goals

If you want any info about nutritional cleansing drop me a line :) 

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