Monday, 22 July 2013

A Weeks worth of Gratitude

This is my WHOLE last weeks worth of gratitudes!!

Baggy jumpers and trackie pants
Being able to work from home on an amazing business
My Iphone and Apple Mac
Having beautiful healthy children
For an amazing family
The Isagenix Delivery man <3
Ionix Supreme
My Gorgeous Children Rhyder and Kyah
The friendships I have formed through Isagenix
An amazingly huge turn out at Wellness Wednesday
Warm snuggly jumpers and slippers
Blue Skies on winters days
Doing my food shopping for a week for $106!
Painting with my kids
My health
The health of my family
An amazing, caring, loving and supportive husband
Having money in my IsaWallet J
Im so grateful for my car
I am so grateful for having this amazing opportunity
I am grateful for Peta investing her time and wisdom into me
I am grateful for being able to get through crazy busy days with happiness, energy and ease
I am grateful for the relationship I have with my mum
I am so so grateful for my hard working husband
I am so so grateful for my happy, healthy and beautiful children
I am grateful for these products which are changing my health and my body
I am grateful for the girls in my downline who are starting to really understand the vision of the company and want to get running with the business
I am so grateful for EShots J
Having an amazing conversation with my mum
Having an amazing conversation with Jas
Having an amazing conversation with Becky 
Having an amazing conversation with Laura
Buying my ticket to Calvins event for Tuesday night
Having a few girls in my downline really showing interest in building and sharing the Isagenix vision
Getting through a hectic day with ease and happiness
My son coming home from his friends bowling birthday party super happy cause he won J
My gorgeous husband who gets up on Saturday to go to work but still tucks us in nice and snuggly
My 2 amazing, healthy and happy children
Getting to take my kids to the park
Rhyders passion and dedication to his footy and how far he has come as a player in his first year
My beautiful mum and getting to spend time with her and my kids
My brothers and the childlike fun we have when we are all together
My brothers girlfriend Danae and the amazing relationship her and I have and just how comfortable she is in her own skin and with our family
Sitting down to breakfast as a family
Being able to Bench Press my Son and daughter (haha)
Building relationships with the other parents in my sons footy team
Peppermint tea
Having support in my life to get the time to sit down and grow myself and my Isagenix business
Working with Neil Berry towards hosting and co-running our own calls on a Tuesday Night
The support I receive from my upline and my team members to help me push through and reach my goals


  1. WOAH! What an incredible week full of good stuff! Love it :D
